Welcome to my hobby blog...!!!

With lots of interest and enthusiasm I came up with the idea of blogging so that I can have all my ideas/art work assembled and stored in a single location. So that in future I can show it to my little daughter and feel proud of my ensemble.

This blog also contains things I love to do when I am free, well I am hardly free but with the little time I get when my little one is taking nap I try to do small small things which I am in love with. Well the list is long in fact quite long, diya decoration, clip art invitation creation, thali decoration, greeting cards making, mehndi and rangoli art, home decor DIY and lots and lots of crafts work.

Lastly I also thought let me keep all my family memorable events in this blog so that I know the directory of my life is just one click away from me :) 

Hope you enjoy reading my blog and I guess you will also find some inspiration from my blog.

Happy reading..!!!

Please do let me know your thoughts through comments & likes & shares :)

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