Sunday 4 August 2013

First baby: 1st Birthday Invitation

A baby's first year is so important for parents. Her first smile, first laugh, first crawl, first walk and so is the first birthday.

Like 100's of parents even I wanted to everything special for my daughters first birthday, right from the venue, her dress, her special wow moment and in all these how can I forget about the invitation cards.

OMG I spent almost a week or so to finalize the design. Here are the few cards which I designed. 

I wanted to use some stylish and girly color for her b-de without using the conventional baby pink color. So I decided to use orange, dark pink and purple and then to keep things simple and to go with a "non-baby pink" theme we finalized this one.

Not sure if others liked it or not but me and shash were completely satisfied as it went along with our theme decor very well. Decor to follow in next post. Wait and watch....!!

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